Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pipe Organ

Have you seen those movies where they have an evil overlord villain, who spends much of his time directing his minions from his massive lair in some remote location. For some reason he nearly always seems to have a huge pipe organ, and loves playing scary dramatic music in a theatrical way. I'm not sure where he get minions with pipe organ building skills. Perhaps he outsources it.

Making pipes in Blender, and joining them together, is done simply, once you know how. The yellow one is a simple T-joint, although I haven't yet worked out how to get the edges round. The cyan one I did next, starting with a cube, and extruding in all 6 directions at the same time.The magenta one is the same, but just in 3 directions instead of 6. And the green one is a small tube coming out of a larger tube, nearly twice the diameter, using a totally different technique called retopology.

They looked pretty bland, so I made them all shiny. Who doesn't like shiny? No-one, that's who.

Notice how at the joins, some of them come together very sharply (the yellow one), some very smoothly (the magenta one), and some half way in-between (the cyan one). You can easily control the smoothness of the intersection edges to get the effect you want. Just like the smooth and handsome hero (or beautiful heroine) that always controls the evil villain in the end.

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