Friday, December 28, 2007

You Schussed Wonderfully!

Charlotte is going for a school field trip in a couple of weeks, up to Mohawk Mountain for an evening of skiing. But first she needs a lesson, as its been 5 years since she skied last. So she and I drive up there today, get a little lost on the way and have to ask directions from a couple of guys at a bonfire (who was the bright spark that invented a road with the middle third just plain missing?)

After a couple of hours on the easiest slope, Charlotte has her lesson while I try out a few of the other slopes. Feeling like she is so much better, she decides after the lesson that she wants a challenge, so I take her on the green circle slope (easy, not like the black diamond most difficult ones). It is twice as steep as she had imagined, and she hadn't listened in class half as well as she thought she had. So after taking off her skis and walking the down the first half of it, she puts them back on and schusses down the easier half in style.

"Yay! Didn't I do well, daddy?"

"Yes, Charlotte, you did wonderfully!"

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